What is Izwi Lakho Connect?

Izwi Lakho translates to “your voice”.

Izwi Lakho Connect is a platform that brings together parents, schools, community members, and other stakeholders to share their experiences, challenges, and perspectives about their children’s education. Through this platform, stakeholders can gain a better understanding of the issues that affect their children’s education and work together to find solutions. The power of Izwi Lakho Connect lies in its ability to create a space for dialogue and collective action, which is essential in building a better future for our children and communities. These connects will take place monthly with the school and parent community with a specific topic. Parent Power works closely to build connections and community with schools and parents and this has inspired us to co-create a space like Izwi Lakho.

Parents have a crucial role to play in their children’s education journey. By being involved and engaged in children’s education, it can help them succeed in school and beyond. This involvement can take many forms, from attending parent-teacher meetings and school events to volunteering at children’s school and creating a home environment that supports their education. By being active participants in children’s education, we can build a collective voice of parents advocating for quality education for all children in South Africa.

The power of collective voices in education cannot be overstated. Reimagining connections and creating a more collaborative and inclusive approach to education can build a better future for our children and our communities. We invite you to invite us to your school, send us an email info@parentpower.org.za and follow us on Instagram for our latest events, workshops and Izwi Lakho connects in community.